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Hello again It has been a long time since a new post appeared, in fact a little over 1 ½ years.  By way of explanation, to those who may have stumbled on this old blog outpost, the simple reason for…

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On Christmas in 1944, over 70 years ago, American forces stopped a last ditch counterattack by the German army aimed at stopping the allied efforts to retake Europe from Nazi control. This is historically known as the “Battle of the…

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We are in the midst of the Jubilee of Mercy year. It has one very odd feature however. There are many people in the Church who think a key feature of this is not being “judgmental”. A good example of…

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The Pope’s recent visit to the United States has displayed so much Vatican dysfunction  that it demands comment.  It is difficult to know where to begin. Probably as good a place to start as any is the Pope’s address to…

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Undoubtedly everyone is aware of the Supreme Court’s recent redefinition of marriage to include same sex unions. It would seem this requires a few comments. We mention in passing that this represents yet more evidence that the Supreme Court is…